Speaker training
Better speaking, more success
Once upon a time there was an entrepreneur from northern Germany. He dictated his speeches into a recording device. His secretary put the spoken word down on paper. After he had given the respective speech to his audience, he wondered why his speeches were not so well received. He wondered until he found the reason: his secretary turned the spoken word into an error-free written text. And that’s how he sounded …
It needs a little more
To inspire your audience, you need a little more than just understandable language. Speech is the supreme discipline of all forms of communication, especially in our technologically and audiovisually highly equipped times with high-speed accessibility everywhere and an ever shorter attention span. Regardless of whether you are speaking in front of two, 20 or 20,000 people, a speech allows you to make an intensive connection with your audience. No other form of communication is better at motivating people to do something!
This is your chance!
You can achieve a lot with a good speech: you move people, provide orientation and confidence and are remembered. A good speech is the best proof of convincing leadership qualities. There really are few events in life where you can achieve as much as quickly as with a good speech.
But there really are few events that can do as much damage in a short space of time as a bad speech.
Involve speechwriters
For lasting rhetorical success, it makes sense not only to train the speaker, but also to include the people making the speech in the training. This makes speaker training a very efficient appointment that saves you a lot of time for further preparation.
If you’ve ever wondered why you don’t switch off the TV at midnight (even though you have to get up in the morning), it’s probably because of an exciting story or a well-made drama. Good dramaturgy is no coincidence – it can be planned and learned. With speaker training, your speeches and presentations will develop the kind of power you have only seen in Hollywood productions.
This way
If your audience is important to you and you really want to convince them, then you should prepare yourself properly. Really right, not somehow.
Just one step will take you in the right direction:
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