TV training
for managers and executives
You’ve probably never thought about how you walk down the corridor outside your office. You do this spontaneously and perfectly. But as soon as a camera crew asks you to walk down the corridor in a “relaxed and natural” manner, it no longer works. All spontaneity is gone, your head has taken over and you feel as if you can no longer walk in a straight line.
And now you should be on television! It could be an interview, a report, a panel discussion, a debate or just a few statements.
Your audience can’t get any bigger
Her appearance on television is seen by a comparatively large audience. This allows you to spread your messages very efficiently. Unfortunately, TV appearances are uncomfortable for most people because it is difficult to behave in a truly natural and therefore authentic and credible way as soon as the lights and sound have been switched on and the camera is rolling.
For your success
So that you can be who you are in front of the camera and reach your maximum potential, we offer customized TV training with your content and a setup that is as close as possible to the stage on which you will be performing. This means that you will see results in a very short time. Real TV professionals with many years of experience in front of and behind the camera will accompany you on the way to a powerful TV appearance. You will convey your messages confidently in front of the camera as if you were sitting at the conference table. We pay attention to facial expressions, voice, gestures and, above all, the right content and ensure that your messages reach the audience in an understandable and convincing way.
Now it’s your turn!