Negotiate professionally
“People only ever negotiate with people.”
Professional negotiation is the highest form of negotiation – because success is easily measurable.
Conversation management is the universal procedure, the key competence and the basic format of professional communication – regardless of the context. They have conversations all day long: in the office, at conference tables, on the phone, via video, in the cafeteria, on the way to the office, at business dinners. They talk, negotiate, develop ideas, make plans, sell, argue, criticize, get along, form partnerships, laugh – all in conversation. You can do that!
Actually day-to-day business
Successful negotiation is part of day-to-day business, especially for managers. Whether you want to obtain better conditions from suppliers, negotiate a new works agreement with the works council, obtain budget approval, seek support for the new strategy or enter into salary negotiations with employees – you know all these things. And you are doing well, because otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are today!
So why a training course?
Having conversations is like doing math, breathing or singing. We can do it because we learned it at school or because we’ve simply been doing it for decades. We are not aware of many things and accept them when our conversational behavior is characterized by automatisms. A (supposed) question is followed by an answer, a (supposed) accusation is followed by a justification, a (supposed) attack is followed by a defense. Our actions are often characterized by beliefs – and little self-control.
Thomas had a colleague who was taking on more and more tasks. Thomas was very upset about this, because in his head it immediately became: I’m not respected, I’m not important, I’m not being asked. As he is relatively conflict-shy, he didn’t mention it to his colleague, but took his anger out on people in his private life – she wouldn’t have dared to do that with anyone else. During training, Thomas realized that his colleague only had a deputy role. And he has realized that his anger has nothing to do with what is happening in his workplace, but with how he grew up and was brought up. It had nothing to do with the job, but with very old beliefs and imprints – “I’m not important, I’m not asked” – from his childhood, which he now projected onto this situation.
Practical training shows you how to act confidently and maintain self-control in any situation.
Flying with both wings
Contrary to popular belief, emotions play a far greater role than reason, especially in negotiation talks. Those who pay attention to the psychological weight of their statements as well as their logical correctness will find it easier to convince their discussion partners and achieve negotiation success more quickly.
Dancing, not fighting
Our negotiation training courses focus on reaching an interest-oriented and constructive agreement with a result that turns the parties into partners. It’s about dancing together, not fighting. This ensures long-term and constructive relationships from which real synergies can arise.
In this training course, you will learn how to prepare professionally for negotiations and how to use your rhetorical and technical skills effectively in negotiations. You will learn how to correctly assess your negotiating partner, see through their strategies and act accordingly. We work on your topics in a customized manner so that you are quickly able to master even difficult negotiations confidently and competently with the help of targeted argumentation and questioning techniques. The aim is for the trainees to be able to present their own position convincingly and master every situation with confidence.
Shall we negotiate with each other?