Leadership coaching
Better me, better us
It is one of the most successful companies in Germany. An industrial icon that was on the verge of insolvency around two decades ago. Today, the company is a powerful earnings pearl with a stock market listing.
The success story began with a CEO who shaped his management team in a special way. Its leaders should understand how what goes on inside them influences their actions in the outside world. The result is a team that today leads one of the world’s most successful companies in its sector.
Never as necessary as today
The need for leadership development has never been greater. To succeed in a volatile, uncertain, complex and fast-paced world, you need different leadership and organizational skills than those that have helped you succeed in the past.
Role models that have been practiced over many decades are changing – at work as well as in families, between partners and between parents and children. The manager who appears to be infallible and invulnerable is a role model from a time when the boss was still recognizable by the big company car, the corner office and the anteroom with four ladies.
In this new world, leadership requires more humanity and empathy. Today’s managers need new skills to fulfill their tasks and lead their team to success. In our coaching work, we try to give managers a greater awareness and understanding of their own feelings and emotions. This develops an increased level of sensitivity and compassion, which enables a deeper connection to oneself and others.
Man in the mirror
Our coaching sessions are based on the premise that you cannot successfully change a company in the long term without changing yourself. Our internal order determines our external actions. To be a better leader, it is sometimes necessary to become a better person.
As long as you as a manager are unable to regulate your fear of making yourself unpopular, for example, you will hardly be able to conduct difficult conversations successfully in the long term. Part of the solution is to develop the systemic ability to see emotional obstacles as transformational rather than dysfunctional.
In the words of Michael Jackson:
“I’m starting with the man in the mirrorI’m asking him to change his waysAnd no message could’ve been any clearerIf they wanna make the world a better placeTake a look at yourself and then make a change”
Blind spots
Overcoming emotional obstacles sometimes requires recognizing and being willing to challenge strong beliefs, blind spots, biases, inner fears, deep-rooted habits and beliefs that deeply influence us all but usually elude our awareness.
Managers in particular are often mistaken in assuming that they make truly unbiased and conscious decisions. In fact, a number of studies have shown that at least 40% of our behaviors are automatic, habitual and reactive rather than deliberate. This is why there are usually very surprising answers to the simple question: “What can’t I see?”
Expedition into the unknown self
For many managers – often buried under operational burdens rather than with room for deep self-reflection – what goes on inside them is often a vast unexplored area to which they often do not attach much importance. Reflecting on simple questions such as: “Why am I the person and leader I am?”, “Who can I become?”, “What is standing in my way?” often leads to astonishing results.
If I understand myself better as a person and a leader, if I understand how my inner life influences my actions in the outside world and if I know and understand myself, my feelings and their triggers better, I will gain impact, power and presence.
This is the way to a happier self!
This is the way to become a better manager!
This is the way to a powerful team!
From good to great
Managers often rely on their head with reason and intellect and less on their heart, emotions, relationships, instincts and intuition. With a deeper understanding of yourself, you will become stronger and more effective both personally and as a leader. You can strengthen your presence and impact on others and gain greater self-confidence and determination. By finding out more about yourself experience yourself and give your inner processes more space and focus more on yourself, you can have a stronger influence on your leadership behavior and your goals. In this way, your actions will have a better effect on the outside world, as you will be more aware of yourself internally and externally.outwardlystronger and truer.
Three examples of successful leadership coaching:
Jochen M. - the conflict avoider
Jochen M.*, Head of Marketing at a large listed company, tried to avoid almost every conflict and always reach a consensus with his team. If he felt uncomfortable with the results of his work, he found himself This involves postponing decisions back and forth, assigning tasks several times or completing them ourselves. Although he was supposedly popular with his colleagues, his team had little leadership or a common, big goal in mind. We helped Jochen to recognize and minimize his fears and avoidance maneuvers. He learned to deal with conflicts and difficult situations. in such a way that he and his team emerge emotionally stronger.
The more he was able to observe and accept his conflicting impulses, the better he was able to find a balance between them.
This also meant that he became aware of his own tendency to interfere and micromanage. The better Jochen was able to formulate clear expectations and delegate responsibility to his team, the greater his willingness to enable others to achieve these results without his direct involvement.
He realized that what he felt and communicated at any given moment had a disproportionate impact on those who worked with him – for better or for worse.
By understanding the emotional needs and attitudes of everyone involved, he can support his team in making important decisions in a way that promotes joy, creativity and responsibility. Dad s a result, he develops a leadership role that motivates and inspires both individuals and the team as a whole.
Our coaching process helped Jochen to become aware of his own fears and avoidance maneuvers and to expand his leadership skillsern. He is now able to take full responsibility for his team and create a truly effective, motivated and efficient working environment.
Jochen M. sees himself as a much better manager today. He learned not only to rely on his mind, but also to listen to his heart and gut.
*fictitious name
Katharina S. - the perfectionist
Katharina S.* is the service manager of a large medium-sized company. A warm-hearted woman for whom contact with employees and customers as well as interaction with managers from other areas of the company is a powerful source of energy.
She was often plagued by self-doubt and the feeling of not being perfect. The louder the voice of relentless self-criticism became, the harder it worked and the more it became entangled in unnecessary trivia. However, this did not solve her problem, but cost her strength and made her increasingly discouraged.
After the first year of Covid, she felt so burnt out that she was not only on the verge of burnout, but also on the verge of quitting her job.
Together, we focused on a very fundamental question: What drives their energy and what exhausts it? By giving herself permission to deal with her emotional issues, Katharina quickly realized that her perfectionism was preventing her from channeling her energy into more meaningful tasks.
With a deeper understanding of herself, Katharina became stronger and more effective personally and as a leader. She has strengthened her presence and impact on others and developed greater self-confidence and determination.
On the way there, she has more about themselves and learned to give their inner processes more space. By focusing more on herself, she was able to influence her leadership behavior and goals more strongly. In this way, their actions became more effective in the outside world, as they were able to develop internally and externally.s outward appearancehas become stronger and truer.
Katharina learned that the strength she needed was already within her. The coaching helped her to use them. With the knowledge and insights gained from the process, she has laid the foundations for becoming a charismatic and empowering leader. u that creates a corporate climate that is enriching and invigorating for everyone.
*fictitious name
Andreas K. - the numbers man
The successful Andreas K.*, chief controller in a listed company, preferred to let the figures speak for themselves. That was his benchmark as a manager. He felt safe and comfortable in the unambiguous world of numbers.
This is hardly surprising, as companies incentivize their managers in particular through key figures, money, power and recognition. These structures are the perfect environment for number-driven people.
Deep down, however, Andreas always felt the desire for more human connection. He suppressed this desire because he believed it would make him more vulnerable and stand in the way of his external goals.
So we started our coaching project by helping Andreas to discover what was subconsciously holding him back from building an emotional connection with his team and colleagues. With the awareness of what had previously stood in his way emotionally, he developed a deeper self-confidence and a emotionalcompetence, which helped him to improve his understanding of his team’s needs and thus create a better working atmosphere.
When he allowed himself to have more personal relationships with his colleagues, he found that working with them became easier and that conflicts could be resolved more quickly. By looking inwards at his feelings and their effects on others, he had left his own comfort zone and entered an area of personal discomfort.
Some people have limited access to their heart, i.e. their sensitivity to their own feelings and emotional needs and their empathy for the feelings and needs of others.
As part of our coaching work, we support managers in recognizing their inner, unconscious processes so that they are able to reflect more deeply on their own decisions. This makes it possible to use human skills more effectively to achieve the company’s goals.
Andreas K. sees himself as a much better manager today. For him, interpersonal relationships – and not just in his team – are just as important as his
*fictitious name
High performance culture I
As a manager, you are faced with the daily challenge of turning strong individuals into a cohesive, trusting performance collective focused on common goals. The innovative strength, creativity and enthusiasm of your teams are crucial to your success. Especially today. Especially in a world of rapid change, complex interrelationships and boundless communication.
It is therefore more important than ever to attract and retain good talent. But what use is this talent if no one dares to speak their mind? The traditional culture of “adapting” and “fitting in” is doomed to failure in the knowledge-based economy. Success requires a constant influx of new ideas, new challenges and critical thinking. Therefore, the working atmosphere must not oppress, ridicule or intimidate.
Not every idea is good, and yes, there are really stupid questions, and again, yes, dissent can slow things down; but talking about it is an essential part of the creative process. It must be allowed to express half-finished thoughts, ask crazy questions and brainstorm out loud. This creates a culture where a small mistake or a momentary failure is not a big deal, where actual mistakes are acknowledged and corrected, and where the next crazy idea could be the next big thing.
High performance culture II
We want to help you create a unique culture in your company, a culture in which real innovation is possible and great goals can be achieved. A culture that gives your employees freedom, personal responsibility and genuine appreciation exists. A culture where honest sharing of opinions, successes and failures are not only tolerated, but encouraged. We help you build a unique team that develops a deep understanding of goals, values and expectations through openness, courage and ambition, and demonstrates unparalleled commitment.
Your behavior and the structures and processes you define shape your team and thus have a strong influence on the mindset and behavior of your employees. Coaching improves managers’ awareness of their own feelings and emotional needs. This makes it possible to develop a deep understanding of colleagues and employees and to act accordingly. This creates open, satisfied and high-performance teams that achieve far more than the sum of their individuals.
Ultimately, it’s the same as in parenting: parents who show authority but also give their children’s voices space and encourage their independence will make their children function better. Better than the children of anarchic parents and better than the children of strictly hierarchical parents who act with coercion and rule from a position of absolute authority.
Those who demand performance must offer meaning
Successful companies are united by a meaningful, high-performance culture that follows a clear guiding star. Those who are clear about where the journey is going, what purpose it serves and why it will be worthwhile are also prepared to put their heart and soul into it. We support you and your management team in defining your purpose and vision and in implementing them.
Behaviors and cultural principles are the core basis for a high-performance culture. In order to avoid failure, employees and managers mustte understand which behaviors are actively desired. Management must define clear expectations, create the framework for a trusting working environment and lead by example.
We help you to create a suitable framework in which decisions can be made and expectations clarified. This creates a working environment in which your team communicates honestly with each other.izproblems are tackled immediately and failures are seen as part of success. You create a management environmentthat motivates, encourages and supports your team and thus creates the conditions for top performance.
Top performance
This is exactly where a management coach comes in. It helps managers to realize their full potential and perform better. The coach helps to develop the skills required to be an innovative, creative and efficient manager. strengthen and enable effectiveleadership
- The coach encourages the manager to develop an understanding of the feelings and needs of the employees. He encourages her to take responsibility for the team’s success by helping her, setting clear expectations and empowering employees to take responsibility for them
- The coach also helps them to recognize their own leadership styles, attitudes and behaviours, which can be an obstacle to the success of their team in the long term. He helps her, develop truly effective leadership skills that enable the team to reach its full potential
- The coach offers support in overcoming difficult situations. It helps managers to release responsibility and turn criticism into constructive feedback. to provide feedback, master conflicts and anticipate when difficult situations may arise in order to resolve them sensibly and effectively.
The result is a charismatic and empowering leader who can apply supportive conflict resolution practices. to increase motivation, commitment and innovation in your team. As an expression of appreciation and recognition. The success becomes visible.
A matter of course in sport
Top performance in elite sport is inconceivable without coaches. Their role is a fixed factor, an indispensable prerequisite for achieving top performance and realizing potential – physically, mentally and emotionally.
As a successful manager, you deliver top performance. They are in international competition, fighting for market share, customers, the best minds and innovations. Behind you is a team that will drive your success. It is your responsibility not only to deliver top performance yourself, but also to enable your team to deliver top performance.
We support you with psychological depth and knowledgeable expertise in developing a stronger personality, developing your managers, building high-performance teams, dealing with conflict and developing a modern corporate and leadership culture.