Today in the Handelsblatt: five quotes from the Handelsblatt event “Banken in Umbruch”. What soundbite sticks with you? Yes; exactly that. It catches best. Think about why that is. Or call me: 0170 8589 170 – Christof Schramm.
“The ECB now needs to start taking small steps to get back to normal.”
Georg Fahrenschon, President of the German Savings Banks and Giro Association
“The low interest rate environment is the biggest challenge for German banking and savings banks.”
Andreas Dombret, Bundesbank Executive Board
“At some point, you have to stop taking the medication ,and now is the time to do that.”
Martin Zielke, Commerzbank CEO
“The era of cheap money in Europe should end.”
John Cryan, Deutsche Bank CEO
“I think it’s clear to all of us that the ECB is starting to overreach. “
Uwe Fröhlich, President of the Federal Association of German Cooperative Banks
“From a market perspective, it’s quite important that it’s a process that’s initiated slowly. “
Dorothee Blessing, Head of JP Morgan Germany
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