Advice for a good speaker (Kurt Tucholksy)

Last weeks we had the advice for a bad speaker from Kurt Tucholsky. Today follows the - much shorter - advice for a good speaker. Main sets. Main sets. Main sets. Clear disposition in the head - as little as possible on paper. Facts, or appeal to emotion. Slingshot or...

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Michelle Obama’s speech at the 2020 DNC

Good evening, everyone. It's a hard time, and everyone's feeling it in different ways. And I know a lot of folks are reluctant to tune into a political convention right now or to politics in general. Believe me, I get that. But I am here tonight because I love this...

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Advice for a bad speaker (Tucholsky)

What Kurt Tucholsky imparts in this advice for a bad speaker is fantastic rhetoric training. It really only takes three things to become a really good speaker: Practice, practice, practice. Advice for a bad speaker Never start at the beginning, always start three...

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Changes: Tie compulsory – men topless

Tie compulsory theme The knot has been broken: not always, but more and more often, company bosses are doing without a tie. This is true even for top bankers. It's just a small thing - but one that shows how much the financial industry is changing, too. Once upon a...

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Changes: Soccer World Cup 2018

That the world is changing and the importance of China is growing was also shown by the World Cup. Large advertisements of Chinese companies were visible on the boards of each game. Wanda here. Hisense.

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Fake interview with Ursula von der Leyen

The Qatari newspaper, "al Sharq" had published an interview with Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen last weekend, but it had never taken place and was fictitious. According to the report, von der Leyen is reported to have said on the sidelines of the NATO summit...

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