How long does presentation training or media training take?
You should allow between three and nine hours for a workout. Under three hours, it makes limited sense because the practice times in this case are very limited. Individual training over six hours pushes the limits of attention. The marginal benefit for the trainee...
Remarkable: the unprepared BMW CEO press briefing at the IAA
Great idea. Great implemented! An unprepared CEO interview by a non-motor-and-non-business journalist with BMW CEO Harald Krüger. Very convincing!
Jesus’ birth: This is how the media would report it today
I copied it from the net (from 2016) - a wonderful illustration of the German media landscape. Just like in a media training, here you can see how the media process a message differently. There is always one person in the foreground: the reader! Jesus Christ born...
Very clear language, very clear: T-Mobile USA CEO John Legere
My most preferred: "Oh shit moments!" (1:34)
Great Speeches Admiral McRaven UofTexas 2014
A highly decorated U.S. general shows that his role (and uniform) does not stand in the way of good-humored and memorable oratory. Figurative language, stories, courage and effort. Clear messages. Under 20 minutes. One point deduction for the console. 9/10 points. You...
Resonance force: What sound waves do to sand
Which soundbite catches your ear the best?
Today in the Handelsblatt: five quotes from the Handelsblatt event "Banken in Umbruch". What soundbite sticks with you? Yes; exactly that. It catches best. Think about why that is. Or call me: 0170 8589 170 - Christof Schramm. "The ECB now needs to start taking small...
Expectation management: announcement of the announcement – example BER
"We want to announce the opening date this year. The prerequisite is agreement with all companies, including in commercial terms, and the active involvement of major companies in particular, such as Rom, Caverion, Bosch and Siemens," BER CEO Lütke Daldrup told FAZ in...
What the Nobel Prize in Economics has to do with presentation training
Richard Thaler is now the fourth behavioral economist to visit the concert hall in Stockholm this year for the award ceremony. In 2002, the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics went to Daniel Kahneman and Vernon Smith, and in 2013, Robert Shiller, another behavioral...
Courage on stage: Steve Ballmer, Microsoft
To dare to do something like that, you have to own the company.