Farewell speech by Federal President Gauck
Berthold Kohler writes today in the FAZ: "Gauck's speech belongs in school textbooks, right at the front. It should also be pressed into the hands of all immigrants. This is civics at its best: smart, engaging, appealing to both brain and heart. " Here is Gauck's...
The world’s shortest stories
Storytelling can also be done with just a few words, because your own imagination does the rest. I can't remember where I copied this text out. It contains great ultra-short stories. Have fun! 33 WRITERS. 5 designers. 6-word science fiction. We'll be brief: Hemingway...
Portrait Steve Jobs from the FAZ
MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2017 FEUILLETON The genius of the mass Everyone knows Steve Jobs as the founder of Apple, but what else makes him stand out as a computer world creator? By Dirk Burckhardt No pioneer of computer culture has engaged the collective imagination more than...
Political slogans and catchphrases from the USA
I found this on Wikipedia and copied it here in excerpts. It's a great overview of political catchphrases. The word "catchphrase" in itself is great and unfortunately has no catchy translation. "Buzzword" would be it officially. But a "phrase" that "catcht" I find...
The full text – Theresa May’s party conference speech
This is the speech Theresa May gave at yesterday's party conference. It's fun to read, especially the beginning and the end, because it's rhetorically excellent: a beautiful, personal story immediately draws you into the speech. This is how it gains attention. They...
Yes, there is another way. Courage on stage: Björn Goerke, SAP
Thank you for any manager who dares to step out of the gray monotony of a standard presentation. https://youtu.be/0Q4_cRnyFfM
Presentation ideas from the PowerPoint idea book – free to download here.
This book is more of a guide for PC-based creation of presentations and presentation documents. It contradicts in some parts the resonance power approach to really good presentations. When the concept is in place, the ideas have been put on paper, and the main...
The best “cover letter” :: Job offer guaranteed
Watch this cover letter in video form. It is fantastic. I would have hired Rachel Hattam, the applicant, in a heartbeat - and most others, I'm sure. It's a beautiful example of what great things can be accomplished with the technical tools that everyone has with their...
Inaugural Address of Barack Obama 2009
Inaugural address by Barack Obama on January 20, 2009. Inaugural Address of Barack Obama My fellow citizens: I stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. I thank President...
Stage effect: Are you too small? Is the person you are talking to too tall?
It's quite normal on TV - you just never see it: presenters often stand on boxes. Thus, the difference in size to a conversation partner is not so noticeable. Or it's easier for the camera if a small person looks bigger through a box. By the way, stock market expert...