Corporate Story #1: Always a clean bank branch
People love stories because they are full of experiences that we identify with. Here is a story that employees of a bank tell each other to this day: It happened in one of the company's ordinary bank branches. The glass entrance door was always slightly smeared. This...
USE INSTRUCTIONS I. THE DISCOVERY AND EXPLOITATION OF THE PRECIOUS STONES The "Orginal Kieselfiesel" were discovered in an unknown place, by young Germanic people, called...
In the end, it was a student who gave David Cameron the rest.
In the end, it was a young student who caused David Cameron to waver. The British prime minister had already answered Sky News' questions live and in prime time for twenty minutes on Thursday evening, then it was the turn of the audience in the TV studio. And there...
Media trainer Christof Schramm at the media magazine Zapp at NDR
A very interesting topic: Sigmar Gabriel has been appearing more and more with homestories in recent weeks - among others with a woman in child in Die Bunten, in Die Welt, in the ARD/ZDF Morgenmagazin. Is that calculation or coincidence (after all, elections are next...
Enzensberger on storytelling (from 1957)
It is already particularly remarkable that Hans Magnus Enzensberger uses the English word "story" in an essay in Der Spiegel in 1957 to explain the presentation form of Spiegel stories. "In fact, SPIEGEL is by no means a news paper. Rather, its editorial content...
Presentation psychology: enemies in the audience
Tonight's TV duel between Clinton and Trump shows again how important psychology is, especially in TV debates. Psychological warfare is part of the election campaign. Here are two examples: The Clinton team was said to have invited Trump's billionaire arch-enemy Mark...
Political rhetoric: the narrative of nationalism – how storytelling works
The FAZ describes how nationalist rhetoric works in an article about the Turkish chauvinist Devlet Bahceli on November 9, 2016. "In his speeches, he resorts to a classic narrative of nationalism even more radically and unthinkingly than other leaders of the country....
This is journalism – explained by John Oliver
Excellent statements. Even though he describes the media work with a lot of humor and sarcasm, he pretty much hits the core. 20 minutes of media training. Fully and completely free of charge!
Storytelling: People love stories
People love stories because they are full of people, adventures, and experiences; people, adventures, and experiences that we can relate to. Our brains are hardwired to learn by observing others. Stories allow us to learn in a simple and clear way, especially in a...
Bäte prepares for paper
I have seen it very often that managers prepare their presentation in the following way: you take the last current version of the PowerPoint document that is closest in content, remove some slides and add a few. Then adjust the title, date and location on the...