Stage trick: The round carpet

Not only in TED Talks you can always find round carpets on which the speaker stands. The FDP also resorted to this clever stage trick at its last Epiphany meetings. It makes it easy for the speaker to appear confident - because he or she does not "bail out" so...

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Haim Saban: “… and is a gifted storyteller”.

Quoting BusinessWeek about Haim Saban: "The 72-year-old Israeli-American speaks five languages and is a gifted storyteller whose ability to entertain has helped him become an almost royal personage in Hollywood." Yes, the ability to tell stories well can create a good...

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The power of communication: shaking up democracy

The power of effective communication cannot be underestimated. The Internet has given us fascinating opportunities for communication. The American election campaign has shown that you can do much more with it than is generally assumed. The digital revolution has given...

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