Why can’t German politicians talk like this?
Opening US Congress 2023 – Why don’t we see a speech like this in the Bundestag?
Well presented online: Vattenfall virtual press conference
This deserves an Oscar: the way Vattenfall presented the virtual press conference on the sale of their lignite division. A Swedish company faces the press on a topic where not all of the relevant press is on hand. In fact, not only the Swedish press was interested in...
Fake Vattenfall press conference
As an outsider, I smirk at this action. As a person affected, I would think differently.
In the end, it was a student who gave David Cameron the rest.
In the end, it was a young student who caused David Cameron to waver. The British prime minister had already answered Sky News' questions live and in prime time for twenty minutes on Thursday evening, then it was the turn of the audience in the TV studio. And there...
Global Equity Strategy – if it makes you happy
This is truly the best and funniest analyst research report which has been written. By James Montier of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein.
Our Mission: Successful presentations and speeches
Our expertise is presentation training, rhetoric training and media training. Our mission: that entrepreneurs, board members, managing directors, executives, managers and communicators communicate better and more confidently. With customers, employees, media, business partners, committees, mandate holders, investors and analysts. On stage, at the table, in front of the camera, behind the lectern, with or without a microphone, directly and live or “on tape”.
Storytelling: Why 55,750 euros were bid for a rocked-out Opel Tigra
How to successfully maximize the proceeds of the sale? Yes, exactly; with a story. Ebay is full of them. Just think of the Pope Golf. Another nice example is this stripped-down Opel Tigra with 183,000 kilometers on the speedometer and a corresponding age. The seller...
Only facts are not enough
Even with a great stack of facts, they won't necessarily convince your audience. Because it's not the information alone that is relevant to your audience, but the emotional impact of that information. What this means for you is: use facts - but accompany them with...
Myths and stories: You will never forget these
Here's an example: I'm going to tell you a little story, and I'll stake my life that you'll never forget it. Have you ever been to IKEA? These huge, bright furniture stores in friendly blue and yellow. Where they can see a newly decorated room every few meters; try...