Education policy messages
We are the world market leader - of course ... also in school education? Our education system is the prerequisite for maintaining and expanding our economic position in a rapidly changing world. It should be - and remain - the world's best. The possibility of...
“It’s the facial expressions, stupid!” (FAZ)
... this is the headline of the article in the FAZ of 26.9.2016 announcing the TV duel between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. A really interesting proposal is described by the editor Andreas Ross: "... experts once again explain to Americans how they would have to...
The “jerk speech” by Roman Herzog
On the occasion of Roman Herzog's death, the FAZ wrote today: "... The office of the Federal President means that you have to make many speeches and yet usually only one of them is remembered. When it goes well. Roman Herzog gave this speech in Berlin in 1997. It was...
John F. Kennedy Inaugural Address 1961
John F. Kennedy's inaugural address on January 20, 1961. Inaugural Address of John F. Kennedy FRIDAY, JANUARY 20, 1961 Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, reverend clergy, fellow...
Inspiring different target groups – Will May succeed?
Tomorrow, Theresa May will give her much-heralded Brexit speech in Florence. Two addressees, who could hardly be more different, will be watching the speech with bated breath: The Europeans, whom the British prime minister wants to accommodate to such an extent that...
One of the most powerful photos
There are really few images that have such inspiring power as that of Bruce McCandless, who in 1984 flew through space at 25 meters per second like a human satellite, completely without a protective connection to the spacecraft. It reflects courage, great technical...
Speaking in a real-time MRI video
Here you can see the importance of the mouth and throat for the voice. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artikulationsorgan
Superstars, mercenaries, surf instructors and slaves
Here's a great example of metaphors in everyday business. Martin-Niels Däfler is Professor of Communication. He recently published a study that found nearly two-thirds of workers are dissatisfied with their jobs. More than one in three do not feel properly challenged....