Press conference coaching
If you have an important press event coming up, you will certainly want to be perfectly prepared. And this includes a proper dress rehearsal, because “Teaching trains the mind, but practice makes perfect.”
Press conference coaching is particularly useful when it comes to critical topics, dealing with troublemakers or an emotionally charged atmosphere. Because what you have already learned during the coaching session will no longer surprise you at the event. Press conference coaching enables you to make a confident appearance, convince with your content and enhance your reputation and that of your company.
Press conference coaching offers you a simulation of your event that is as close to reality as possible. We train your appearance, your speech and your presentation. We train your appearance, the handover to other speakers, coordination with a moderator and the conclusion. We pay attention to the stage, the lighting and the sound. We confront disruptors, questioners and claqueurs. And we do everything we can to ensure that you feel comfortable in the spotlight.
Get in touch with us if you really want to be perfectly prepared.