Top trainings for top managers
Tailor-made for managers
Here you will find training courses that are most important for board members, managing directors, executives and managers. Everything you need for a confident, confident and likeable appearance – whether in the conference room, on stage or in front of the camera, whether in front of customers, colleagues, employees, committees, business partners, elected representatives, employee representatives, investors, analysts or journalists.
Every person has different strengths and requirements. That’s why every training session is tailored to your individual needs. You can be sure that the training will significantly improve your skills in a short space of time and that you will increase your communication skills in the long term.
Presentation training
Today, it is more difficult to get people to listen and convince them of something, because attention spans are constantly decreasing. Based on your content, we therefore train modern methods to bring the audience to the point where you want them to be.
As part of the presentation training, we will explore mechanisms of action and Use tools to win over your audience to your views, ideas and approaches and master any situation with confidence. You should develop your own skills and tools at your fingertips that make preparation easier and improve your performance in the long term.
Making a really convincing appearance is not rocket science. Anyone can learn this. The tools are simple, and presentation training is the key to success.
Media training
Media interviews offer you the most efficient and credible platform for conveying your messages to your target groups. Whether external or internal, national or international.
An interview can be read by hundreds of thousands of people. It can move share prices and emotions. It can accelerate sales and end careers.
Therefore, you should not leave the success of press interviews to chance.
M&A/IPO presentation training
People rarely make decisions with a bad feeling. There are always factors at play that cannot be represented in spreadsheets. This applies to all decisions – including those made by investors, analysts and journalists.
Capital market experienced presentation experts support you in maximizing your transaction proceeds.
More about M&A coaching here.
More about IPO coaching here.
100 days
Congratulations on your new leadership role! Perhaps you already have a plan. Perhaps you are still working on it. There will be no lack of input, as there is an overwhelming number of books and recommendations on the subject of leadership change. Most of them have a similar message: in the first 100 days you need to have set the course and make successes visible. Otherwise you are doomed.
Fortunately, the reality is different!
Our 100-day training course offers you tailor-made preparation for successful appearances in your new role: in front of committees, employees, journalists, business partners, political representatives, etc.
Professional conversation
Professional interviewing is the universal method, the key competence and the basic format of professional communication – regardless of the context. They have conversations all day long: at breakfast, on the way to work, in the office, at conference tables, in the cafeteria, on the phone, via video. They talk, negotiate, develop ideas, make plans, sell, argue, criticize, get along, form partnerships, laugh – all in conversation.
You can hold conversations. Otherwise you would not be where you are today.
So why do you need training in professional communication skills?
Negotiate professionally
Professional negotiation is the highest form of negotiation, because success is easily measurable. Successful negotiation is part of day-to-day business, especially for managers. Whether you want to obtain better conditions from suppliers, negotiate a new works agreement with the works council, obtain budget approval, seek support for the new strategy or enter into salary negotiations with employees – you know all these things.
And you are doing well, because otherwise you wouldn’t be where you are today!
Business development coaching
As a manager or partner in a consulting firm, an investment bank, a law firm, an M&A boutique, an auditing firm or a tax consultancy, you have to acquire clients. This is the way to the next promotion, a proper profit-sharing scheme and a secure livelihood.
The challenge: selling consulting services is difficult. Very difficult indeed.
Storytelling workshop
Management reports convey information, stories an experience. If you combine the two, the result is a perfect appearance, a perfect presentation. You can layer facts and stories on top of each other like a Baumkuchen. The alternation between facts and stories creates tension and thus the impetus with which you can give your audience an impulse to do what you want them to do.
Presentations and speeches are a powerful tool for convincing a large number of people of your ideas. If you spice up your presentations and speeches with stories, your ideas are more likely to prevail.
Together we will find the right story and develop the storyline so that your story has the best possible impact.
Speech and voice training
As a manager, it is you who sets the tone in the company. And we actually take that literally. After all, it is your voice that makes the difference. It is the direct expression of your personality and the audible result of the momentary interplay of breath, posture, muscle tone and your constitution.
Speech training offers you the opportunity to develop and refine your voice professionally. You will learn and deepen techniques that you can successfully implement in your everyday working life, so that it will be a pleasure to listen to you.
Coaching press conference
If you have an important press event coming up, you will be perfectly prepared. And this includes a proper dress rehearsal, because “teaching trains the mind, but practice makes perfect“.
Preparing a talk show appearance
If you want to score points ona talk show, you have to followdifferent rules than in the discussion rounds, which board board membersmanagers and entrepreneurs usually face. Like at a NewtonianPendulum goes it in a Talk show from all around the Effect, Your Effect.
Crisis communication training
In today’s world, crises are unavoidable. How you communicate in these cases can make the difference between success and failure. We firmly believe that effective crisis communication is the key to successfully overcoming any challenge.
Our crisis communication training is designed to give you the knowledge and tools you need to communicate clearly and effectively in difficult times. Not only will you survive the crisis, but you will also emerge stronger.
Nowadays, crisis communication is not an option, but a necessity!
Prepare panel discussion
A panel discussion is as a rule not the place to together Solutions at develop. It is about the exchange of arguments and to a certain extent also the entertainment of the audience.
Your primary goal at a Panel discussion is therefore probablygood to act. With training tailored to your individual needs So become convince convince and a positive impression leave behind.
TV training
You’ve probably never thought about how you walk down the corridor outside your office. You do this spontaneously and perfectly. But as soon as a camera crew asks you to walk down the corridor in a “relaxed and natural” manner, it no longer works. All spontaneity is gone, your head has taken over and you feel as if you have forgotten how to walk easily and naturally.
And now you should be on television! It could be an interview, a report, a panel discussion, a debate or just a few statements.
Video training
With Video statements can You Your Messages Your Audience faster and convincing explain. From this Reason decide itself always more Managers for the production of video content. With a distributed workforce working from home that can no longer be reached in person via all-hands meetings and the importance of social media in the professional environment, the need for video messages is increasing.
Speaker training
You can achieve a lot with a good speech: you move people, provide orientation and confidence and are remembered. A good speech is the best proof of convincing leadership qualities. There really are few events in life with which you can achieve as much as quickly as with a good speech.
But there really are few events that can do as much damage in a short space of time as a bad speech.
Communicating change and transformation
Hand on heart: if everything remained as it is, we would have no progress, our life expectancy would be half as high and our world would only consist of what we can see for ourselves from the back of a horse. Without change, we would wear the same clothes, eat the same food and do the same things every day.
Changes in companies usually only interest those people who want to change. Therefore, successful change management is above all about dealing with people in the right way with regard to the upcoming changes and making the effects clear.
In our coaching sessions focusing on change and transformation, we train you to communicate the upcoming changes so that you can achieve your own and your organization’s goals.
Management and personality development
The need to develop leadership skills has never been greater. To succeed in a volatile, uncertain, complex and fast-paced world, you need different leadership and organizational skills than those that have helped you succeed in the past.
Role models that have been practiced over many decades are changing – at work as well as in families, between partners and between parents and children. The manager who appears to be infallible and invulnerable is a role model from a time when the boss was still recognizable by the big company car, the corner office and the anteroom with four ladies.
In our current world, leadership requires more humanity and empathy. Today’s managers need new skills to fulfill their tasks and lead their team to success. In our coaching work, we try to give managers an expanded awareness and understanding of their own personality. This develops a heightened level of sensitivity and compassion that enables a deeper connection to oneself and others.
Pitch Training
This pitch is about everything. Or nothing! They want to get the contract, the financing, the new investor, the talented top employee! It’s not just a sporting competition, it’s about you, your career, your company, your employees, your royalties.
In contrast to ordinary presentations, the pressure is much greater in a pitch presentation. There is more at stake and a decision is at stake. So you do everything you can to convince the decision-makers in your audience of your offer, your team, your fees and your expertise.
You want – no, you need – to make an impact on your pitch audience. You want to get them to do something: Be enthusiastic, decide for you!
TED Talk coaching
TED Talks and TEDx Talks place the highest demands on the rhetorical skills of the presenters. It’s a wonderful series of events with lots of really inspiring talks. Especially in a world with an oversupply of technical communication and entertainment options, this lecture format is very charming. It also emphasizes that no form of communication is more effective than direct communication from person to person.
Present like Steve Jobs
There are people who may find it a little easier to talk in front of others; some, on the other hand, are more introverted. But all of them can be great speakers and give perfect presentations – if they prepare properly and know what is important.
Steve Jobs from Apple is a good example: he was an introverted and difficult personality (at least that’s how his biographers describe him), certainly not a born speaker and certainly not someone you would have immediately described as likeable.
But he gave a great presentation!
Rhetoric training
Have you ever noticed that many companies have a name consisting of three letters? I’m sure you can think of a lot right away: BMW, SAP, DHL, UPS, IBM, ZDF, ARD, etc.
Many flags are also made up of three colors and many well-known slogans often have just three words: iPad – thinner, lighter, faster; Nike – Just do it, Audi – Vorsprung durch Technik. BMW – the joy of … you know.
And there are even more statements with the three: Obama – “Yes, we can”, Church – “Father, Son and the Holy Spirit”.
All coincidence?
Appearance at works meetings
Negotiating with Chinese business partners
Hardly any other country that is so important to us is as culturally different from Germany as the Middle Kingdom. In addition, dealing with the current political and economic relationship issues between China and “the West” is a very sensitive area that requires particular sensitivity.
Ensure your negotiation success with intercultural training!